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Dictaphone Cassettes Mini- & Micro-cassettes

Introduced in the mid 1960s, the earliest cassette tape dictating machines used standard Compact Cassettes as the audio storage medium, but soon manufacturers developed Mini-Cassettes (Philips, 1967) and subsequently Microcassettes (Olympus, 1969) to enable the portable units to be made even smaller.

We can transfer your Mini-Cassettes and Micro Cassettes to CD, using a Philips Professional Pocket Memo 398 or an Olympus Pearlcorder S713 respectively.

Individual tracks (where appropriate) are separated to give full track skip/search functions.  To file  or CD text and on-CD printing are added for convenience, and your disc is returned to you in a CD jewel case.

Alternative file formats (FLAC, .mp3) can also be accommodated if required.

he 8-Track Cartridge, also known as ‘Stereo 8’, is a magnetic tape-based recording format which was popular in the USA and to a lesser extent, the UK, back in the mid ’60s to late ’70s.

A  Miro Sony tape machine used for Transfer

Grundig machine Grundig tapes

special size

 Prices for transfer .

Dictaphone Cassettes (Mini- and Microcassettes – standard play)  £10/ 30 minute side 

Dictaphone Cassettes (Mini- and Microcassettes – long play)         £15/ 60 minute side

n.b. Tapes found to be blank, or not required once transferred       £0 side


Below a Phillips Mini tape machine used for Transferring mini tapes

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